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How To Get Your First Client As A New Real Estate Agent?

How To Get Your First Client As A New Real Estate Agent?

So you finally passed
your state and national exams. It only took you anywhere from 3-15 times. JK But, in no way was it easy.

As a new agent, you need to have a good deal of money set aside to run your business. Yes, YOUR BUSINESS! Such a daunting statement it can be depending on what frame of mind you are in. I know.

But, why do you need so much money for marketing?

Well, as you know. There are Agents, and then there are "AGENTS!"

And you want to be one of those Agents, if not "The AGENT" that everyone is going to right!

I mean, as they say, go big or go home, right.
But what does it truly take to be that top "Agent" that everyone is always bragging about?

I'll tell you right now!!

It takes proper positioning!!! Yes, Positioning.

I mean they tell you that you'll need money for advertising and marketing.

But they don't tell you what it actually takes to stand out from all the noise in the marketplace.

Don't get me wrong. Your RE Mentor means well, but they don't know what they don't know. So you really can't blame them.

This is why I'm here to help you.

Again, there are many costs to run your business.

As mentioned, one of those costs is Advertising / Marketing.

Business cards are dang near a thing of the past!

So, what are people using these days? I'll share that on the inside with you.

And, It's more than just a yard sign and flyers that are needed.

These days things are mostly done on social media.
And let's not talk about competition. I mean, think about it. How many other students were studying and graduating right along with you?

So the real question is, how do you stand out from the crowd and position yourself as the go-to "AGENT" that everyone wants to do business with?

When you look even on social media where every 10th to 20th person is a #realestateagent, how do you stand out from the crowd so your ideal client will want to do business with you?

I want to share a Free Report with you where I go over all the details. 

-->>> Coming Soon!!<<<--
Click Here for your Free Report and learn how you can stand out in 2021 and beyond! -->>>Coming Soon!<<<--